arious partners MECP-K continues to offer teacher training. In the past year MECP-K under financial and technical guidance from Trust Africa (TA) successfully implemented strengthening teachers’ knowledge and skills on early years’ language literacy as well as Strengthening Education Systems in East Africa (SESEA) funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). Under both these initiatives, teachers got transformed as shown below.
The MECP-K TA initiative was based on the findings[1] of a previous (2012-2013) MECPK implemented initiative which found that deliberate efforts in teaching letter sounds, concepts about print as well as reading comprehension is one of the contributors towards increased abilities for enhancing language literacy amongst children. MECP-K reached a total 303 (7M) teachers as a way to influence broader adoption across a wider network of practitioners, out these, 150 were teachers from the government schools in Kilifi county.
“We are thankful for this early years’ literacy intervention targeting the pre-primary school. It is very similar to the Tusome Initiative (targeting primary 1& 2, implemented by the Ministry of Education with funding support from the USAID). Therefore, our children are getting introduced to early literacy start at the right time……” head teachers Mahenzo, Kizurini and Kavuka primary schools in Kilifi county
The training entailed Reading for Comprehension (RFC) approaches which focus on how to teach young children pre-reading skills such as correct handling of books, correct sound pronunciation, understanding that letters form words, beginning to read 2 and 3 letter words e.t.c. Likewise, the teachers were provided with material development skills; a key component of the MECP-K trainings. This enabled the teachers to develop language relevant teaching and learning materials. The teachers were able to develop sound flashcards, 2 and 3 letter words freeze cards, word ladders, word builders, letter charts, sound charts, word trees etc. Additionally, the teachers were also guided on establishing classroom libraries in order to avail additional reading materials for children. To further impact knowledge and skills, the teachers benefitted from on-site support and mentorship exercises which entailed observing them while they deliver language lessons in class and providing them immediate feedback and support; a chance for practical learning.
Overall, these teachers exhibit high level knowledge and skill mastery. Noted areas of strength include; correct sound pronunciation, development and use of relevant early language literacy teaching and learning materials such as word trees, use of storytelling techniques during lesson delivery e.t.c. MECP-K continues to organize high performing teachers to support the developing peers in a way to ensure continued support and sustained high quality practices at the classroom level. Some of these teachers continue to develop to high caliber resource persons; and by way of further motivating quality practices, MECP-K engages them to facilitate sessions at the Madrasa Resource Training Institute (MRTI). The same teachers are also sought by County government ECD Department as facilitators’ e.g. recent request from Kilifi county for teacher training on material development.
The teachers also, serve as role models and inspirational guides amongst colleagues. Below is an appreciative Teacher Fatuma Maliso conducting a language lesson for KG 1 pupils at Taqwa Nursery School. “Reading for Comprehension has brought joy and hope for me in my struggle in teaching. It has made teaching and reading sounds easy, hence I can teach the young ones with more confidence”. Pupils leaving Teacher Fatuma’s KG1 class can now read sounds and three letter words. She attests that she is now a resource person in the school.
Teacher Mwanahawa is also is a testimony of the MECP-K teacher training efforts. Apart from the RFC training, she also successfully qualified for the SESEA Scholarship that was issued by MECP-K under Institution strengthening in the 2014 and got enrolled for an ECD Degree course at Moi University. She is currently in year 4 of her studies. From a shy ECD Teacher, Mwanahawa has risen to become more confident, focused and outgoing. She makes sure that she leads the discussion in her group as well as volunteering in roles assigned by lecturers at the University. She recited a poem on HIV awareness during an exchange visit by fellow students from the main campus- Moi University in Eldoret. She says with a big smile, “I have become new”.
Teacher Mwanhawa has facilitated sessions for ECD Certificate trainees during reflection meetings in Kilifi, Kwale and Mombasa counties. Some of the sessions she has facilitated include: motivational talks, phonetics, material development and storytelling. She is looking forward to provide children with memorable educational experiences and also to be an ECDE lecturer in the future.
[1]Endline Report for Early Years’ Literacy in MRC-K Community Supported Preschools